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Composite worktops

Composite worktops – info in a nutshell

Workspace in the kitchen should be durable and resistant to mechanical damage. It is worth using robust, high quality materials. Stone and the lately popular composite are such materials. What are composite worktops and why are they better than other products? We’re explaining this in the further part of this article.

Composite worktops – general characteristics and main features

  • Composite is a material obtained from ground rocks (most often from aluminum hydroxide), binder such as acrylic resin and pigments, which allow for obtaining any colour (many companies offer over 70 shades).
  • The material for composite worktops is liquid. It is thermoplastic, so any form and shape can be applied to it. This is of great importance in cases when the design of the interior is not typical.
  • Composite worktops are light. The installation doesn’t require reinforcement of the cabinets and is much easier that the installation of stone worktops. Composite worktops are nice and warm to touch, because they are the same temperature as the interior, in which they have been installed.
  • Perfectly smooth surface of composite worktops makes them highly hygienic and easy to keep clean. Dirt doesn’t adhere to their surface and the compact structure reduces the risk of permanent stains that are hard to clean. Composite worktops are resistant to moisture too, and this is very important in spaces such as kitchens or bathrooms.
  • Composite worktops can be renovated. Unfortunately, they are more prone to scratches than stone worktops, but much more resistant than marble or wood. However once you notice some scratches, you’ve got nothing to worry about, because they can be simply and easily removed. The top layer has to be grinded and polished again and the worktop will regain its shine and flawless appearance.
  • Unfortunately, composite worktops do not tolerate high temperatures, so direct contact with hot kitchenware should be avoided. If you disregard this precaution, the worktop may crack and unaesthetic bulges may appear on its surface.
  • The last thing we want to mention is the price. Composite worktops are very expensive. In some cases their price exceeds the price of stone worktops. However, it is worth to buy them because it is an investment for many years to come and the elegant look is a fair reward for the expense!
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Simona Garcia
Simona Garcia
Here at Granite Solutions we have one expert responsible for creating this wonderful, insightful content: Simona Garcia. Simona works on this blog, and many others in her free time, not only to develop her writing skills, but also to share her views, opinions and tips regarding utilisation of stone. She’s a former employee of a known quartz slab manufacturer, therefore her knowledge is vast and her guidance regarding anything in the masonry trade immense. We trust that Simona’s content will enrich your understanding of stone and will help you during any decorative works or activities.


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