HomeGraniteGranite Worktops Near Me & Quartz Worktops Near Me - Why you...

Granite Worktops Near Me & Quartz Worktops Near Me – Why you shouldn’t limit yourself to local firms

When looking for a granite worktops company, search non-locally!

Have you ever searched for a product, or more specifically a service online and added ‘near me’ or ‘nearby’ at the end? Because I sure have. It’s only natural, isn’t it? We aim to add that keyphrase in order to localise our results, either because we aim to go out an explore the product, speak to company managers/employees, or even pick up a purchased product ourselves, in hopes of receiving a cheaper price.

Local goods/services search that pays off:

My most recent Google endeavour ended with a search for ‘book shops near me’. You see, I only live in a small town and we’re lacking the mainstream book stores, the like of WHSmiths or Waterstones to name a few.

worktops near meThe problem is, before I purchase a book I want to thoroughly explore its insides – the back-cover, blurb, even some of the content or style with which it is written (3rd person, 1st person etc.). At times I even like to smell it prior to a purchase! Unfortunately, all of these factors cannot be analysed when buying online. Amazon rarely puts in the first page of the book; it is rarely specified what style the author chose to adapt for the novel; the size of the book itself is rarely mentioned. And favourable portability for me is crucial.

In this case, my drive to visit a book store, and one local to my house, is absolutely justified. I have a need that can only be sated with a physical insight, but at the same time, it’s not worth for me to travel an hour up north to find a mainstream chain. So I type in ‘book shop near me’ and hope for the best.

“Does searching locally for granite and quartz really yield any benefits?”

Applying the aforementioned method works with some things, but with others it can be pointless. When searching for actual services + products e.g. in the form of granite worktops, quartz worktops or kitchens themselves, restricting yourself to local suppliers isn’t always the best choice.

worktops near me

  1. First of all, seeking out a local company may yield few choices, many of which could be limited in terms of services. I’ve known of many companies that lack the experience to create granite and quartz side panels, others only specialise in granite worktops but not cladding. When you source local masonry firms, you’re potentially hindering yourself from executing your dream kitchen, as you’ll adjust your plans to fit the skills and abilities of the company you elect.
  2. Secondly, even if you choose a nearby quartz and granite business, it’s likely their prestige will be quite low. Often so they will be independent and family-based companies that have scarce online reviews. That’s not to say they’re bad, but if you’re going to spend £3K on a granite kitchen, you should elect a company that is at least somewhat verified. Others won’t be tested at all, and if you go for them, you might regret it in the long-run – in the worst case scenario you could expect delays, poor-quality product, lack of communication etc.

Unbeknownst to many, there are vast companies out there which, when you search online for ‘ granite worktops near me & quartz worktops near me ‘ will emerge. One is Polish Granite LTD. The best thing is, you don’t even have to be from Manchester, where they are located, to use their services, because they deliver their granite & quartz worktops across all areas in the UK.

That’s right! You don’t have to search locally to use cheap services of companies based in a completely different location to yours. I’ve spoken to Polish Granite of late, and they claim that over 14 years of existence, they completed thousands of kitchen worktop projects thus far, and across every region in the UK. So don’t hesitate, don’t waste your time on pointless local searches and give them a call!

worktops near me

Two benefits of choosing local granite & quartz companies 

  1. Samples – There’s no doubt that visiting a showroom with all the granite and quartz samples will enable you to make the right choice – after all, there’s nothing like seeing the product with your own eyes, or feeling the granite finish with your fingertips. But once again, you don’t have to go locally to enjoy this. Companies like Polish Granite are willing to send samples via post, to anyone who requests them.
  2. Less cost – You’ll certainly be saving yourself a couple of pounds. Don’t forget that fuel, labour and even accommodation costs may have to be covered. But the costs don’t usually exceed £110. So you have to ask yourself, is it worth opting for an unknown, unreliable, and unrated but local and cheap granite company, at the cost of 100+/- pounds? Our answer is not really. If you’re already investing thousands into a granite worktop project, which is meant to last you a lifetime, it should be done once and right, by true professionals.
Simona Garcia
Simona Garcia
Here at Granite Solutions we have one expert responsible for creating this wonderful, insightful content: Simona Garcia. Simona works on this blog, and many others in her free time, not only to develop her writing skills, but also to share her views, opinions and tips regarding utilisation of stone. She’s a former employee of a known quartz slab manufacturer, therefore her knowledge is vast and her guidance regarding anything in the masonry trade immense. We trust that Simona’s content will enrich your understanding of stone and will help you during any decorative works or activities.


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