Natural stones are increasingly used by interior decorators. They are sleek, durable and highly resistant – these qualities are perfect for people that consider room décor an essential, and the natural stones will satisfy even the most demanding people. It is no surprise that they are willingly used in virtually any room. Granite is particularly profound – they are oven used as worktops in the kitchens, and nothing can harm them. However, this is not the only use for granite – they will also work in the bathroom, and can be used as flooring, and although they might be quite cold, they will serve us for years. The marble staircases, even decorated the walls are very attractive and elegant – providing a specific interior class and elegancy, they can suit a simple office and any bathroom perfectly, you can see more examples of granite in bathroom here. Most importantly, they will certainly make an impression on the guests and participants of the meetings in the office. There’s a variety of colours to choose from, unique designs created by nature will certainly create a beautiful decoration – we have a choice of polished surfaces, matted – and there are hundreds of options for their use, there are no restrictions. It is a lifetime lasting solution, but the stone needs to be chosen wisely – some, such as marble, are less resistant than the already mentioned granite, so it is better not to expose them to frequent use or impacts. If correctly matched the stone will not only be aesthetically pleasing, but it will also be very simply to clean it. Caring for it will certainly make it last for years – and any minor damage can be repaired (you can read more about it here), and the bigger ones are very unlikely to occur.