HomeWorktopsInstallation of the worktops

Installation of the worktops

Installation of the worktops and preperation of the cabinets prior to the installation

Natural stone is a sleek and durable material, which is ideally suited for kitchen worktops. It is durable, and resistant to mechanical damage and high temperatures. Moreover, its versatility makes it suitable for any interior design. It is extremely easy to keep clean, and the only problems you may encounter are the ones accompanied by its installation. Of course, even those are easy to handle! In this article, we advise how to install the worktop and how to prepare the installation of the cabinet.

When installing kitchen worktops you must be preceded by performing certain tasks that ensure a perfect end result. It is, first of all important to push all of the cabinets to the wall and levell them all, making sure that they are as straight as possible. Of course, all furniture must remain in its exact place after the measurements have been done, and nothing should be moved. Why is that? Because the new arrangement can mess up all the measurments and final stone cut outs, thus creating inconsistencies, fitting perfect worktop becomes more difficult. It is also worth noting that in most cases, additional strengthening of the cabinets is not necessary. If the furniture is made of the supported wood, then it can easily withstand the weight of the worktop. If, however, they are not sufficiently robust, and framed efficiently then the structure might be at risk. If this is the case then all it will take is attaching long and thin wooden panels against the wall, next to where the worktop will be placed. Of course, naturally, the surface on which the worktop is placed, should be perfectly straight, so all irregularities need to be removed, if necessary.

Stone worktops can be installed in several ways. We describe three fairly widely used techniques.

1. The worktop can be mounted on each of the corners, both external and internal. It should be remembered that it can not be more than 10 cm from the edge of the surface, and the spacing between them can not be less than 1 m.

2. The worktop can be also attached to the base made of a fiberboard, chip board or any other surface with a thickness of 15-25 mm and a width of 15×15 cm. For its installation, you can use perforated angles and screws, and when it will be stable, stick the worktop on to of the surface using a very strong glue.

3. Stone worktops can also be attached to the already existing surface, such as a previous laminate or wood worktop, but it has to be leveled and well cleaned. It can be stuck on top of the surface using a well-applied silicone adhesive, which will bind both materials.

Whichever way you choose depends entirely on you and your preferences. We add only that each method will provide you with a satisfactory result!

Simona Garcia
Simona Garcia
Here at Granite Solutions we have one expert responsible for creating this wonderful, insightful content: Simona Garcia. Simona works on this blog, and many others in her free time, not only to develop her writing skills, but also to share her views, opinions and tips regarding utilisation of stone. She’s a former employee of a known quartz slab manufacturer, therefore her knowledge is vast and her guidance regarding anything in the masonry trade immense. We trust that Simona’s content will enrich your understanding of stone and will help you during any decorative works or activities.


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