HomeMarbleMarble caverns

Marble caverns

Marble in nature

Marble is a natural metamorphic rock. It’s created in the process of metamorphosis of limestone or dolomite rocks. In this process a beautiful, uniquely coloured rock with eye catching veining is created. Different colors of marble are an effect of other minerals present during the metamorphosis process. Marble in nature can be found in large quantities, it’s very thick and present in a lot geographical places among the world. In European countries you can find marble deposits in among others Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, Sweden and Germany. It’s also present in the USA, Asia and other places as well.

Marble caverns

Throughout the world there is a lot beautiful marble caverns and caves. But there is one special which often appears high in all kinds of the best world caverns ranks. The Marble Caves in Chile are a stunning example of marble natural formation. They were formed over 6000 years ago by the waves of the surrounding lake. The constant crash of the waves formed astounding structures in the originally solid marble deposit. The beautiful shades of blue are the reflections of the azure colour of the lake. The play of the hues is an extraordinary breathtaking view. The shades are in constant motion due to the waves movement. The caves can be accessed only by the boat and with local operating guides. The weather conditions can make the trip impossible. This is only one but certainly unique example of marble caverns in the world. Still, there may be more undergoing the process of formation, yet to be discovered.

Future of marble deposits

The people are sure to protect natural example of marble structures like the Marble Caves in Chile. Only the natural forces can be hindrance here. And mostly unstoppable one. However, what is the future of other marble caverns and queries. Are the marble deposits in any danger? Will they end some day? And the people will be left out with a few protected nature formations and ancient monuments? Marble deposits are exploited in quarries. There is multiplicity of them throughout the world. The deposits are mostly rich, and when the quarry runs out of the stone there is huge possibility that somewhere nearby a new deposit will be found. There are many sources to be yet found throughout the world. We are not at immediate danger of running out of marble. It is however estimated that huge source of highly valued marble in Carrera may run out in 1000 yeas. Don’t fret, some say that the world itself will end before these sources. Marble is a common stone, when old deposits run out new ones appear therefore, now it seems there is nothing to be concerned.

Simona Garcia
Simona Garcia
Here at Granite Solutions we have one expert responsible for creating this wonderful, insightful content: Simona Garcia. Simona works on this blog, and many others in her free time, not only to develop her writing skills, but also to share her views, opinions and tips regarding utilisation of stone. She’s a former employee of a known quartz slab manufacturer, therefore her knowledge is vast and her guidance regarding anything in the masonry trade immense. We trust that Simona’s content will enrich your understanding of stone and will help you during any decorative works or activities.


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