HomeGraniteSurrey kitchen worktops

Surrey kitchen worktops

Surrey kitchen worktops – which to choose?

Kitchen is a place that has to be functional and properly equipped in order to provide appropriate conditions for comfortable preparation of meals. Obviously, Surrey kitchen worktops are an indispensable element of it. They can be made of various materials, both cheaper and more expensive ones, and both more and less resilient to the effects of chemical substances and mechanical damage. In this article we describe the ones used the most often, focusing both on their strengths and weaknesses. Enjoy reading!

Types of Surrey kitchen worktops:

Post-forming worktops – are made of chip board plastered with laminate. They are the cheapest and most common worktops in the market that perform great at imitating stone or wood. Their edges are rounded and precisely covered with laminate that stops water from getting inside them and permanently damaging the worktop. Laminated worktops are quite resistant to rubbing off, moisture effects and development of discoloration. Unfortunately, they are badly affected by high temperatures, so it is better to refrain from putting hot dishes on them.

Stone worktops – Surrey stone kitchen worktops have been lately growing in popularity. They are hard, resilient and non-absorbable, so they will safely endure for many years in unchanged condition. Most of the time they are made of granite that does not absorb smells and humidity; in its structure soiling does not soak and the very worktop is resistant to high temperatures. Stone worktops are difficult to scratch and they are simple to maintain. Their only weaknesses are hefty price and substantial weight that leads to them being installed in weighted cupboards.

Composite worktops – are a product, which popularity grows regularly. Composite worktops make an excellent alternative to the ones made of stone. They are warm to touch, because they adapt to environment’s temperature, they are incredibly resilient to chemicals and mechanical damage, seamlessly connected, lighter and cheaper than natural stones and extremely easy in treatment.

Surrey kitchen worktops  – Surrey kitchen worktops can be produced out of nearly every tough kind of wood, nevertheless, they need to be impregnated in order to become resilient to moisture effects. They are quite durable and resistant products that are immune to distortions and rupturing. They are warm to touch and look pretty natural and elegant, yet in order to preserve such an effect they need to be renovated from time to time. Unfortunately, they are not cheap. Besides, they do not feature sufficient resilience to high temperature and scrapings, so one has to watch out not to damage them.

Simona Garcia
Simona Garcia
Here at Granite Solutions we have one expert responsible for creating this wonderful, insightful content: Simona Garcia. Simona works on this blog, and many others in her free time, not only to develop her writing skills, but also to share her views, opinions and tips regarding utilisation of stone. She’s a former employee of a known quartz slab manufacturer, therefore her knowledge is vast and her guidance regarding anything in the masonry trade immense. We trust that Simona’s content will enrich your understanding of stone and will help you during any decorative works or activities.


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