HomeGraniteGranite off cuts

Granite off cuts

Stone companies often require customers to purchase the entire stone slab, for example for a worktop or window sill. Usually the minimum length of a worktop is 3-4 meters, so if the customer needs a smaller element, in this case, usually after installation smaller or larger pieces of stone are left. How can they be used?


Driveways are made once every many years, so their size and shape should be well planned, preferably to accommodate the cars of residents and guests, and maneuvering them was comfortable and even reflex. Granite proves to be the most durable and practically eternal surface. It can be a pavement made of cubes, available in several sizes, as well as in compositions with granite slabs. Although the most popular and neutral shades of grey are the most popular and neutral, granite off cuts can also be used in red, pink, red or yellowish colours.

Granite fences

Fences can be built in the form of solid or openwork walls or classically, as stone columns and bays of metal or wood. Virtually any type of stone can be used here. From granite off cuts, sandstone and slate blocks to fieldstone and marble slabs as column cladding. When choosing a stone for a fence, it must be matched to the planned surface of the driveway, the path to the house, the colour of the façade and the roof. For more rustic houses and gardens, irregular sandstones or gray slate will do better, and for more severe buildings, evenly cut granite will be better.

Water gardens and fountains

They can’t do without a natural stone either. Cut slabs of granite or sandstone will be useful for modern tanks. In “natural” water gardens it is best to finish the edges with irregular boulders, slabs or pebbles of various sizes. The bottom of the water reservoirs should also be filled with river gravel and small pebbles in order to obtain the most natural appearance. Natural stone can also be the main element of a fountain, e.g. in the form of a vertical slab (granite, marble, sandstone, slate) on which water flows. Also, rock blocks of various sizes partially submerged in water that bubbles like boiling water can be a very impressive fountain.

Garden ornaments of granite off cuts

Garden ornaments, that is, all kinds of sculptures that will please the eye for a long time, and the nobility and naturalness of the material will allow you to compare it with virtually every composition of plants.

As garden sculptures are also great natural rock blocks (marble, granite, serpentine, slate) with an interesting drawing, surprising shapes and colors. Set among shrubs and perennials will give a unique, individual character.

As bed decorations, especially grassy ones, you can also use granite pebbles in sizes from about 50 to 60 cm in diameter and smaller, which arranged in a few pieces among the plants, lighten and enliven the compositions. Also in gardens inspired by Asian style you can use various types of gravel and grits, available in many colours and fractions, to create your own contemplative garden.

Simona Garcia
Simona Garcia
Here at Granite Solutions we have one expert responsible for creating this wonderful, insightful content: Simona Garcia. Simona works on this blog, and many others in her free time, not only to develop her writing skills, but also to share her views, opinions and tips regarding utilisation of stone. She’s a former employee of a known quartz slab manufacturer, therefore her knowledge is vast and her guidance regarding anything in the masonry trade immense. We trust that Simona’s content will enrich your understanding of stone and will help you during any decorative works or activities.


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